[IPCop-devel] APU1 board link light.
Joe Acquisto-j4
2015-03-06 00:15:29 UTC
Some of you may have noted a discussion on the users list. I was working with and using notes from David Sims to
build an IPCop on that kit. Some thought to making a step by step for list use.

However, there is an issue with the ethernet link light on the board, which appears to be EEPROM related, and/or driver related.

This applies primarly to the wan-1 (or RED) interface. I've not noticed it on others.

The situation is- on power up, with a cable plugged between it and the modem (or any 10/100/1000 port) the link light will illuminate
and stay on until IPCop sings and starts to finalize setup of RED.

Thereupon, it goes out.

A link is established, as shown by ethtool at a speed of 1000. Data passes and everything appears to work. So, on the one hand
I want to pin the blame on the driver, or some last minute RED tweaking. But, there appears to have been a long history of chatter
about this board and the link light.

So, any chance to get at the driver to apply a hack that is supposed to "fix" this?

joe a
